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Dr. Tanin Cheewapalaboon (D.V.M.) Managing Director of Vet Products Group
The Managing Director informs that the year 2016 marks the 26th anniversary of Vet Products Group and our business keeps expanding. Currently we have 13 affiliates in livestock and veterinary hospital divisions. In livestock business, our company has established the companies in our country and foreign countries such as China, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia and Laos. Besides, we distributed products to many countries. We involve almost all business sectors such as swine, poultry, ruminant and aquatic animal businesses. Additionally, we gained market shares in animal feed industry from such countries. In veterinary section, under the name of I-VET Veterinary, we have now established 5 animal hospitals; 3 in Thailand and other 2 in Vietnam and Laos. |
Vet Products Group also formed the International Technical Academic Center (ITAC) with our mission to promote the comprehensive manufacturing for livestock management, animal disease control, animal feeds, including activities related to standard compliance, and be an academic center both in
Thailand and foreign countries.
To emphasize our concept of sustainable business, Vet Products Group established VRI (Vet Products Group Research and Innovation Center) with strategy to improve the creativity of product to support the future challenges in 10 years, 50 years or even 100 years. Our vision is based on long-term trend and we will strive to achieve what the future trend needs.
We have gradually expanded our business over 20% each year. Today Vet Products Group are considered a multinational cooperation but we decentralize the management system for a flexible and fast working process leading to highest satisfaction of customers, and, for our employees, happiness at workplace, good career path and stable professional life.
In the name of Management and employees in Vet Product Group, we would like to express a sincere thanks for all who always use our service and support our work. We promised that we will strive on improving our product and service quality for highest satisfaction of customer.
Success story of 26 th year of Vet Products Group: ASP as a Leading International Manufacture.
The general manager told us about the road to success that began 26 years ago. He started the job in sales and marketing section of Vet Product and Consultant Co., Ltd. In the first few years, the company gained positive feedback and a number of customers who trusted in our products. Then, he took responsibilities in academic division of a company affiliate for 6 years. During that time, he improved academic works to promote the manufacturing of farms, formed an efficient consulting service team for customers’ farm and joined in an editorial team of “Vet Digest journal” providing an updated and diverse knowledge for farm and livestock development. He took a part in promoting Vet Digest Journal” to foreign countries as well.
With vision of Vet Products Group, Dr. Winai has been assigned to be an inventor of and take responsibilities in international trades of our company since 2004 until now. Our international trades began with the product exportation to Vietnam. In 2005, Dr. Winai was promoted to be the General Manager of Animal Supplement and Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (ASP) and Directors of company group. During that time, jobs related to international trade was not what he mainly focused on as he attempted to develop manufacturing plant of Premix – supplement nutrition and medicine for animals.
Though we had ISO 9001: 2008 at that time, we continued improving our plant to acquire GMP & HACCP from livestock department and also GMP standard from Thai FDA, which, later on, became GMP PIC/S standard. We ensured that our manufacturing process was in compliance with such standards and obtain all abovementioned certificates. Furthermore, ASP also received Thailand Trust Quality Mark from International Trade Promotion Department; we are the first manufacturer of animal medicine that received this mark.
In the year 2016, we plan to unceasingly improve our manufacturing capability of ASP with the implementation of European standard named FAMI-QS in our production line to ensure the good standard and safety of raw material and supplementary feeds for animals at European standard level.
As for international trade, Dr. Winai was assigned by Vet Products Group to commence an investment in Hochiminh City, Vietnam in 2008. After the business in Vietnam was stable, the team established another branches in Hanoi and recently Danang. With Vietnam business model, Dr. Winai initiated the investment and expand the customer base in the Philippines in 2010 and assisted the team to expand the market in Guangzhou in 2012. After that, he went to Cambodia in 2013 for business investment. In Laos PDR, Dr. Boonmee Krongsaenmuang continued the investment process. Recently, Dr. Winai launched the investment in Myanmar in 2014. All of our investments brought a success in ASP product exportation in ASEAN country significantly. With distinct marketing strategies made by Vet Products Group in such foreign countries, the company received so much positive feedback that some presses named us “an advanced manufacturer in ASEAN”. In the end of 2020, there will be a complete participation of Thailand in AEC which is the same time as the 22nd year of Vet Products Group, ASP will be ready to mark this time as the commencement of creating a difference for customers’ benefit and acceptance in ASEAN.
ASP : Difference for Your Benefits
He said that “Animal Supplement and pharmaceutical or ASP in Vet Products Group takes the roles as manufacturer and developer of quality products for the customer”. We aim at realizing the vision “Difference for Your Benefits” with 7 important pillars as follows;
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1. International Standard
ASP is the plant with ISO 9001:2008, GMP from livestock department, GMP PICS from FDA and HACCP, we are moving forward to FAMI-QS and ISO17025 standards. |
2. ASP Laboratory Center & Quality Control
ASP has a complete laboratory with modern and accurate equipment in order to control the quality of raw material and products in every manufacturing process. The control is composed of physical, chemical and biological aspects. |
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3. Certified By Test (CBT) Project
ASP formed a comparative studies in the laboratory to control physical, chemical and biological aspects in addition to regular quality controls. This is to ensure that the material and the products offered to our customer is the best we can offer. We believe in making a difference, that is the main drive of Certified by Test Project (CBT)
4. Research & Development Center (VRI)
ASP also has research and development center to develop innovative products and various service to meet the needs of customer under the name “Vet products group Research and Innovation (VRI) Center” |
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5. ITAC (The International Technical and Academic Center)
The International Technical & Academic Center (ITAC) of Vet Products Group, an academic team with expertise and experience in feed factory & farm management, disease problems resolution and animal production efficiency improvement to support our clients in many countries.
6. Domestic & International Business
The quality of product is accredited by other countries. As a result, ASP can continuously export the products in many countries. Then, our customer include direct customer (integrate farm & feed mill), domestic & international distributor.
7. Thailand Trust Mark
ASP exports our products to foreign countries continuously. ASP is considered as the first company offering supplementary feed and medicine for animal certified by Thailand Trust Mark from Department of International Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce. It reflects the standard quality of our product and acceptance of customer towards ASP product.
VRI (Vet products Group Research and Innovation Center)
She said that throughout 26 years of Vet Products Group, we always updated development strategies and continued creating products to meet the needs in every kind of business situation and changing environment to provide stability of customer’s business. We make researches in every issue related to food chain in VRI – Vet Product Group Research and innovation Center. The result and product development, including academic service of our company has solved the customer’s problems. The use of the data gained from the researches to evaluate the risk of quality of animal feeds in order to reduce the loss due to non-quality raw materials. All the data are published and distributed in national academic events. We hope that the customer in every group will have an access to the data that help them obtain the benefit.
Furthermore, VRI still strives to research and develop products and academic service. We use Milestones to ensure that we will accomplish the mission –serving what customers need, providing animal feeds that animal can benefit efficiently according to their specie and a good health. This is because in the future the population rate will be higher whilst the area suitable for agriculture is limited, the risk of food resource shortage could be possible. As VRI realized this problem, we are working on research planning, product development to be a part that can solve the future problems related to this issue.
ITAC (The International Technical and Academic Center)
She said that almost 20 years that academic department of Vet Products Group had supported academic works to assist and develop the animal production. We also cooperate with both private section and educational institutes to organize a seminar to provide knowledge and offer advantageous information through Vet Digest journal. From a small department in the organization to the department that supports comprehensive knowledge of animal production, disease control, animal feeds and any issue to help livestock business in Thailand. We extend our knowledge field from swine business to poultry, ruminant and aquatic animals and animal feed plants according to company growth. Our team is composed of the experts in every field of knowledge; Veterinary, Animal Husbandry, Nutritionist and Engineers to provide what farmers need and improve them to be ready for AEC participation.
In the 26th year of Vet Products Group, the academic department will become the International Technical and Academic Center (ITAC) with the purpose to combine the knowledge from the specialist and experts in Thailand and foreign countries in comprehensive livestock. We aim to create a fast-working, efficient and accurate teamwork that can meet all requirements, initiate new projects related to product efficiency improvement and help Thailand and other countries in AEC to be a world leader in animal production in the future.
Vision and Expectation towards Academic Administration Work in Foreign Country
He said that many countries raise Thailand as the leaders of livestock product manufacturer, especially countries in ASEAN. This is because we have readiness in many aspects. We know well that a good product efficiency leads to low cost production. As the globe become smaller these days because of connecting technologies. Today we are number one but another few years we may not be able to keep our position. Our neighboring countries improves their work very fast and ready to adapt advanced technologies to develop livestock product. Maybe in a very short time, they will be in the same position as ours.
For academic administration work in foreign countries, we realized that the essential points that we should prepare are as follows;
1. The academic team must be large, composed of specialists in every aspect; nutritionist, machinery engineers, veterinary to ensure animal health, etc. to provide the diverse requirement
2. Modern technologies, our laboratory to provide service
3. Ability to provide consultation related to every kind of livestock business,
For example, swine, poultry, ruminant and aquatic animal businesses
4. International cooperation network such as university and governmental authorities in foreign country
5. Academic team located in each country for a fast service.
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In the future, apart from the academic section, our service should cover all requirements and be ready to adapt itself to solve future problems such as raw material shortage and its substitution, problem of antibiotic medicines, labor shortage and labor cost control, technologies to replace labors, development of specie that is not sensitive to diseases or difficult production environment. Vet Products Group realizes the importance of the knowledge and strives to provide the academic service in foreign countries to the best of our ability. |